INVOLVERE, del latín IN (en) VOLVERE (volver). Cubrir un elemento
apretándolo con un papel o cosa similar.
Envuelvo los objetos con papel de seda como si en ese acto se
jugara un retorno difuso, un pasaje secreto de vuelta al pasado,
hacia mi historia y mi transitar el tiempo.
Guardo el envoltorio para conservar los rastros frágiles e
imprecisos del objeto, como se guardan y se desvanecen, lentamente,
los recuerdos en la memoria.
INVOLVERE, from latin, IN (in) + VOLVERE (to return). Cover an
element by pressing it with a paper or a similar thing.
I wrap the objects with a silk paper almost like embracing them, as if in that
act a diffuse
return is played, a secret passage back to my past, my history and
the way of navegating my time.
I keep the envelopes to preserve the fragile and imprecise traces
of the object as they are kept and fade, slowly, as remembrances
fade in memory.